
Jeffrey Gitomer Presents FREE Live Webinar

As I was doing my morning reading, I was shocked to see that Jeffrey was inviting everyone to attend his first LIVE webinar for FREE Thursday, February 25th from 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. PST (12 Noon Eastern) . He loves the interaction he receives from a live face-to-face audience, but he jumped on this unheard of, unprecedented opportunity. The reason for that statement is that Nevada State Bank has hired him to speak to their current business customers as well as potential customers on How to Strengthen Your Business in These Economics Times. Nevada State Bank offers full online banking capabilities so they are not limited to local customers. They have banking customers all over the United States. Jeffrey was super impressed that they are spending this much time and money on their customers. As you know, Jeffrey believes in giving exemplary customer service, which in return creates loyal customers.

Note: Jeffrey mentioned he has spent double his normal time preparing for this event. However, he did not mention an attendee limit. If you would like to attend, I recommend that you sign up now. I have already reserved my seat! For those of you that decide to join me for this event, come back here and share your thoughts.


  1. I saw Jeffrey Gittomer a few weeks ago live in Atlanta. I have read all of his books and I absolutely love them. His seminar was wonderful. His philosophy on sales is so simple and makes perfect sense. He is so full of energy and his motivation is contagious. I will be attending. This is a great opportunity.
    Angela Thee

  2. Will you be recording this in case we aren't available at that time? I have a networking event that conflicts, but hate to miss out.

    Karen G

  3. Hi Karen, Since this is not our webinar, we will not be able to record it.

  4. Hi Debbie. I reserved my seat, right next to you so that we can pass notes to each other.... :-) Thanks for sharing this opportunity. JG tells it like it is.

  5. Debbie, thanks for the heads up. The seminar was great and reinforced some key ideas for succes!

  6. Great presentation! He is one of a kind. Loved his point on convert "Fear energy into one word "Best." In other words, become the "Best" at what you do.

    What was your take-away?

  7. It appears that they did record his presentation. I will share that if Nevada State Bank allows me to do that.

  8. Debbie -- thanks so much for passing this along! The seminar was excellent -- lots of great info. He mentioned going to a website to download an E-book -- I wrote it down as vegas@gitomer.com, but when I tried to go there after the seminar, found it was not a valid site. Did anyone get the address?

  9. I know he mentioned a website, but that was an email address he gave. You wrote it down correctly. Send an email to that address.

  10. Nevada State Bank did send a link to the recording of Jeffrey's presentation today. They also gave permission to share the recording.

