
The Power of I,- Secret #1

The Power of I is the first-ever marketing book to address the specific needs of the Interior Design Industry. Detailed, step-by-step instructions and real life examples will be your guide to exponentially grow your business. Once you have the key concepts in place, you'll be amazed how effortlessly you'll generate substantial profits; even when others around you are struggling to break even. If you are serious about building a lasting and profitable business, this book will be your roadmap. The Power of I reveals the secrets of three of the industry's award winning innovators, Debbie Green, Casey Green, and Jackie Von Tobel.

In this book, we will show you how to take Studio to the next level to expand your business! Studio is not only a perfect communication tool between you and the client, the workroom and installer, but it is also a fabulous marketing tool. Studio can be used in so many unique ways for marketing.

Power of I: Secret #1 Revealed . . .
Here's a sneak peak of one of the marketing tips which uses Studio as a primary marketing tool. After completing a project, let the client know how much you enjoyed working with them by asking permission to post an article on your blog regarding their project. This is a win-win marketing idea! Not only do you show off your talents but also the clients LOVE to be published! The end result is they tell their friends, who check out your blog; opening the doors for tons of new potential clients!

Check out my Dandelion Blog to see some examples of how I use Studio to get referrals Blogs are a very economical but a highly effective way to market your business. If you don't yet have your own blog, we can help you with that too! Sign up today and let us set up a customized blog for your company.

I can't wait until you get a glimpse of our newest project The Power of I. It's the ultimate marketing system, once implemented your business will never be the same.

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