
A Drastic Change . . .

Recently Owen and Casey decided to make a major change in their life. Before you guys get scared, Owen and Casey will still be a big part of Minutes Matter. In May, they attended a weekend event, Outback America, which compelled them to make changes in their live. Some of the changes have led them to sell their house and move to the inner city of Huntsville, AL to be apart of the Lincoln Village Ministry. Several years ago, a few people and the city of Huntsville decided to get involved and help rebuild this neighborhood. Owen and Casey feel God has called them to use their talents in new and unique ways. As you know, one of Casey's gifts is art and another is her love for kids. Owen is gifted in technology and loves working with teens. For years, they have been heavily involved with the youth group at Twickenham Church of Christ and their house has always been a revolving door for the teens.

This type of ministry is not new. Do a search and you'll probably be surprised to find there is one of these ministries near you. We have one in Nashville area called The Front Porch Ministry.

Since this is such a drastic change, most (if not all) of their furniture will need to be sold with their house. The house they are moving into is approximately a third of the size of their current home. They are planning to use some of their profit to purchase furniture that will be more multi-functional for their new smaller space. Here's a glimpse of the Lincoln house, you can see they have some work that needs to be done.

This brings me to my reason for this blog:

Last week, as I was doing my morning reading, I happened to notice a contest sponsored by CB2 which happens to be one of Casey's favorite stores. In fact, we purchased several items from CB2 for our new Minutes Matter booth at High Point Furniture Market: wall mounted magazine rack, lamp, and table. The $10,000 CB2 gift card is what attracted me to investigate the rules of this contest. I thought to myself, someone is going to win this contest, why not Owen and Casey and my two precious granddaughters! If they win, they would be able spend the money they would have spent on new furniture on other things in their new surroundings. Believe me, there's a lot to do.

What I would like for you guys to do is vote for our booth at High Point. The entire $10,000 gift card will be used for furniture and storage in the new home. We would love to be one of the top 50 vote-getters to become a finalist. We have appropriately named the entry The Drastic Change, because we felt like this name was fitting for our new High Point space as well as their new life.

Please tell all of your friends and family to vote and help Owen, Casey, Maddie (9) and Morgan (5). The girls have big hearts and always want to help others but most of all want to please God. However, they are feeling a bit of apprehension in leaving their house and friends. Owen and Casey are very fortunate to have families that are extremely supportive. Both Jerry & I and John & Penny Kester (Casey's parents), told them we'll do whatever is needed to help them get the house ready. Owen's brother & his wife (Lee & Leah Green) and Casey's sister & her husband (Carrie & Ricky Jones) will also be helping a great deal.

Click here to vote for "The Drastic Change"
(but most importantly please keep this new adventure in your prayers!)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What an amazing life change for your family Debbie. I wish all the best to Owen, Casey and the kids. I'll vote for The Drastic Change!
