
Computer Savvy Course

Ask yourself these questions:

* Do you have to click more than once to visit a vendor's website?
* Do you click Start to open a software program?
* Does your Desktop contain items older than three weeks?
* Do you believe you must file all jpegs in My Pictures/Pictures folder?
* Do you spend too much time locating a file?
* Are there times when you're frustrated by the computer?

If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then this class is for you! We've made it easy to become computer savvy. Simply join this 90-minute course, to explore and learn the many features of your computer, from the Desktop to the Libraries, the mouse to the keyboard and customizing your Internet browser; you're going to love that one! Special attention will be given to topics such as creating folders and organizing files - learn about file types, how to open, copy, find, delete, and rename them. Shortcuts or hot keys, mouse tricks and clicks, screen captures, quick launch toolbar, system tray and task manager, all the tools and functions you may not know exist - these are the areas you'll master once you've attended this course. Don't miss the chance to learn how to get your computer organized!

While Microsoft Vista and Windows 7 systems will be displayed, XP users can benefit from the instruction also.

* Every person who registers (even if you don't attend live) will receive an email with a link to the recorded course which can be viewed anytime.

Click here to register for Tuesday, August 17 @ 8 PM EDT:

Click here to register for Thursday, August 19 @ 1 PM EDT: https://minutes.infusionsoft.com/cart/store.jsp?view=4&i=p283&navicart=11&navisubcat=43&naviprod=103

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