
Traits of a Great Small Business Owner

Vickie Ayres sent a link to an article written by Steve Strauss on Open Forum hosted by American Express. I have been meaning to check out this forum for some time after seeing numerous TV ads. Their articles are a perfect read for a small business owner.

This article discusses traits that great small business owners have in common. It was hard to pick out my favorite but here are three of them:

3. They are creative: We have all been to the rote business where by the book is de rigueur: ‘You pay for that and I give you this. Don’t expect more because I won’t give more.’ What a bore. What a waste. What a lost opportunity.

Great businesses tap into the creativity of their staff. People are allowed to try out new ideas and be individuals. New programs, policies, ideas, and campaigns are tried. Some work, some don’t. They adapt and move on.

4. They are led by a charismatic entrepreneur: Groups need leaders, and any time you see a successful small business you can bet that there is a driven entrepreneur (or entrepreneurs) at the helm – someone who can enroll people behind a vision, who understands business, someone people like; the rising tide that lifts all boats. (okay, I had to include this one since Casey and I implement so many new ideas every year and somehow manage to get everyone excited as well.)

9. They strive to be the best: These businesses are, not surprisingly, not content to be good. As it is said, “good is the enemy of great.” The best small businesses strive to excel. Maybe they want to create the best strudel in town. Maybe they want to offer exceptional value. Whatever the case, greatness is the goal; mediocrity is not tolerated.

Read entire article by visiting Open Forum.

From the website: OPEN Forum is loaded with tools to help your business make connections, gather insights and get exposure. Much of the site is open to everyone, but to participate and use special features, you'll need to be an American Express OPEN Cardmember.

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